Alumni Stories

Since 2000, Hong Kong Art School has nurtured around 4,000 graduates from our award-bearing programmes, and over 33,000 enrollees into our short courses. Many of Alumni have become: professional artists, art administrators, curators, art educators, art therapists, designers, visual merchandizers, as well as practitioners in museums, art galleries, art malls, art studios, and auction houses.

Benny To

Benny To, graduated from the Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art) programme co-presented by Hong Kong Art School and RMIT University in 2021, with a major in ceramics. After graduating from the HKAS, Benny has gone onto teaching ceramics, holding exhibitions, and consigning his artwork….

Agnes Leung

Agnes Leung, is known for captivating viewers with the vibrant colours and whimsical qualities of her paintings. She graduated from the graduated from the Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art) programme co-presented by Hong Kong Art School and RMIT University in 2021 with a major in painting…

Olivia Siu

Olivia Siu is a Higher Diploma graduate from the Fine Art programme of the HKAS. Before retirement, she was a civil servant who spent her time taking care of plants and trees. Having already pursued photography for 10 years prior to studying at the HKAS, she felt like she had hit a wall in this endeavour…