HKAS 25th Anniversary Logo and Slogan Design Competition Terms and Conditions











  • 須附以一段不超過100字的中文或英文說明,闡釋作品的創作概念。


  • 標誌長寬比為4 (高): 3(闊) 或1:1
  • 參賽作品格式須為 JPG 或 PDF
  • 經掃描器處理或相機拍攝的手繪作品將不獲受理
  • 入圍作品須提供作品的彩色及黑白版本的數碼檔案(如AI、EPS、SVG等), 解像度為 600dpi 或以上及 CMYK 色彩模式,可印刷及編輯的數碼檔案






  • 創意和原創性
  • 訊息傳達和適切性
  • 美觀性和吸引力
  • 與香港藝術學院品牌的一致性
  • 可行性 (適用於各種尺寸和應用)


  • 作品收集期為2024年9月17日至2024年10月15日。
  • 參賽者可通過香港藝術學院網站上的專用Google表單提交他們的標誌設計作品。
  • 表單將要求參賽者提供姓名、聯繫方式(電子郵件、電話)、參賽者身份(香港藝術學院學員、修畢學院頒授學歷課程的畢業生)以及最大為10MB的矢量格式標誌設計文件(JPG 或 PDF)。
  • 在成功報名25周年標誌設計比賽後,每位參賽者將收到一封由系統自動發出的報名確認電郵(下稱「報名確認電郵」),内容包括報名編號及提交參賽作品的規則。
  • 若參賽者在提交報名表後的兩個工作天內未收到報名確認電郵,應先檢查垃圾郵件資料夾,然後發送電郵至確認報名。
  • 學院保留隨時更改報名期限的日期和時間的獨有酌情權。
  • 學院保留篩選所有參賽作品的權利和絕對酌情權。
  • 學院或會按其獨有酌情權,為特定參賽者提供額外提交作品的機會。



    • 第一名:HK$1,000現金優惠券
    • 第二名:HK$500現金優惠券
    • 第三名:HK$300現金優惠券






以下條款及細則適用於如香港藝術學院(「下稱「學院」)主辦的「25周年標誌設計比賽」(下稱「比賽」),參賽者(包括個人或小組,下稱「參賽者」)一經提交參賽作品(下稱「作品」), 即代表同意下列條款及細則。如有理由相信參賽者違反任何條款及細則,將有權取消其參賽/得獎資格:

1. 參賽資格:

  • 比賽只限學院正在修讀頒授學歷課程的學員及修畢學院頒授學歷課程的畢業生參加(不論以個人或小組名義參加,每人/每組只限提交一份作品)。
  • 學院的僱員及其直系親屬不得參加。

2. 作品提交要求:

  • 不論參賽者以個人或小組名義參加,只限提交一份作品,不能重複提交。
  • 參賽者以小組方式報名者,須指定一位「代表」行使比賽相關之權利義務。學院所發之通知及獎項,均由此「代表」送達或代收。
  • 作品一經遞交,不能再作調換及修改,亦不會退還予參賽者。
  • 參賽者須對作品提交文件的安全性和病毒問題負責。如發現病毒,作品將被取消資格。

3. 知識產權:

  • 作品必須為參賽者原創,不得侵犯任何其他方的權利(包括知識產權、隱私權或保密權),從未在任何媒體平台上展示、宣傳或播放,也不得參與任何商業活動或其他比賽。
  • 作品中所使用的元素,必須經許可及合法使用,不得包含、融入或以任何方式使用第三方或其他單位擁有的內容、材料或元素,並可作出版、複製、印刷用途。參賽者並須自負相關的知識產權法例責任。
  • 作品不得包含任何猥瑣、暴力、色情、誹謗、不雅或不適當的內容。
  • 學院有權以任何形式媒體展示作品的內容、標題、簡介和參賽者訊息,用於展示、出版、展覽、宣傳或任何商業或非商業活動。
  • 獲獎作品(第一名、第二名及第三名)的全權版權屬於香港藝術中心、學院和合作夥伴獨家、不可撤回、不可轉讓、覆蓋全球的許可使用權,並有權以任何形式,不限次數、地域及時間,無償地使用、複製、刊載、發放獲獎作品的全部或部份內容,及修改作品。
  • 參賽者須自負相關的知識產權法律責任。如有任何違反版權和其他知識產權法例的行為,該人士將承擔所有有關法律責任及其相關責任。此外,學院對於任何違反版權和其他知識產權法例的行為引致的任何損失或損毀,或因此等行為所引致的法律訴訟,一概不負上任何責任。

4. 評判和結果:

  • 評審團的比賽結果決定為最終決定。如有爭議,學院的決定為最終決定。
  • 入選作品及參賽者姓名和簡介可能會在比賽網站或社交媒體平台上公開展示。
  • 得獎者將在結果公佈後即時收到電郵通知。若得獎者在獲得通知後的一星期內未有回覆,其獎項將被取消,可能會被授予其他合適的參賽者。

5. 獎項及獎品:

  • 所有得獎者(第一名、第二名及第三名)須提供學生證或其他有效證件以進行核實。
  • 第一、二、三名可分別獲得1,000港元、500港元、300港元的香港藝術中心商店現金優惠券。
  • 學院對比賽所頒發的獎項及獎品總數擁有絕對酌情權,學院亦可對獎品作出適當改動。
  • 獲獎資格不可轉讓。

6. 個人資料

  • 報名表格所收集的個人資料,只供學院作為比賽的行政用途。
  • 參賽者若同意接收香港藝術中心及學院的最新資訊,其個人資料(姓名、電話號碼及電郵)將被保留至香港藝術中心及學院的資料庫以作接收最新資訊之用途。
  • 參賽者向學院保證及陳述所有提供的個人資料皆是準確無訛。
  • 參賽者確認他/她同意讓香港藝術中心及學院為比賽使用其個人資料,該等使用當遵從個人資料(私隱)條例。
  • 香港藝術中心及學院可能就法律或法庭命令所需,或應政府或執法機關要求披露參賽者遞交的個人資料,又或真誠地認為該等披露是必要或合宜以保護香港藝術中心及學院的權利和財產。
  • 香港藝術中心及學院可能為比賽向第三方及向被香港藝術中心及學院聘請以協助發展、組織及管理比賽的外部服務供應商或網站開發商或其他各方披露所收集的個人資料。
  • 只有得獎者會收到電子郵件通知。得獎者可能需要提供其個人詳細資訊(例如姓名、電郵、出生日期、身份證明號碼最後四位數字)進行身份驗證,以便領取獎品。

7. 一般條款及細則:

  • 通過提交作品,每位參賽者均同意遵守條款及細則。
  • 一經參加比賽,所有參賽者即同意和被視為同意可以按學院要求,參與任何宣傳、廣告或媒體報導,無需報酬。學院保留錄製、拍攝及/或記錄比賽的權利,並可發佈用於任何目的的參賽者圖像和詳細資訊,無需向參賽者支付任何費用或補償。
  • 學院保留在任何時間、基於任何原因而暫停、撤回或取消比賽以及修改指南的權利,無需提前通知參賽者。學院對比賽一切事宜的決定均為最終決定,所有異議將不獲受理。

8. 申請和查詢:

  • 請於2024年10月15日或之前在學院網站上填寫並提交Google表格。



聯絡電話:2824 5369


Hong Kong Art School 25th Anniversary Logo and Slogan Design Competition


In 1998, the Hong Kong Arts Centre (HKAC) collaborated with RMIT University to launch its first Bachelor’s Degree in Fine Art. Building upon the partnership, Hong Kong Art School (HKAS) was founded in 2000 as a division of the Hong Kong Arts Centre. Closely associated with HKAC’s environment and creative enterprises, HKAS offers a unique setting for students to draw on a vast spectrum of artistic practices.

HKAS 25th Anniversary Logo and Slogan Design Competition

To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the HKAS, HKAS will host two celebratory events. The first is a Logo Design Competition, inviting current students and alumni of the HKAS’s award-bearing programmes to design a logo for the 25th Anniversary. The second is a Slogan Creation Competition, encouraging the same group to create a new slogan that showcases the creativity of HKAS.

Winners will be acknowledged, with winning logo designs and slogans displayed at all School events and promotional materials with the winner’s name marked to recognize their contribution in the coming year.

25th Anniversary Logo Design Competition


Current students and alumni of the HKAS’s award-bearing programmes may participate (individuals or groups, with a limit of one submission per person/group).

Submission Requirements:

  • A maximum 100-word description (in Chinese or English) explaining the concept behind the design must accompany the submission.


  • Logo aspect ratio must be 4 (height): 3 (width) or 1:1.
  • Submissions must be in JPG or PDF format.
  • Hand-drawn submissions processed through a scanner or photographed will not be accepted.
  • Finalists must provide colour and black-and-white digital files of their work (AI, EPS, SVG, etc.) at a resolution of 600dpi or higher, in CMYK colour mode, suitable for printing and editing.

Judging Panel:

Mrs. Janice Choi, BBS, MH, JP, Chevalier de l’ordre des Arts et des LettresChairman, HKAS Council
Ms. Rebecca IpExecutive Director, HKAC
TBCRepresentative of HKAS
Ms. Rita YauDesign Lead, HKAC
Ms. Ng Toi Yee DorisANC Representative


Judging Criteria:

  • Creativity and originality
  • Clarity of communication and relevance
  • Aesthetic appeal and attractiveness
  • Consistency with the Hong Kong Art School brand
  • Feasibility (applicable to various sizes and applications)

Submission Method:

  • Submission period: 17 September 2024 to 15 October 2024.
  • Participants may submit their logo designs via Google form on the HKAS website.
  • The form will require participants to provide their name, contact information (email, phone), school status (current student or alumni), and a vector format logo design file (JPG or PDF) not exceeding 10MB.
  • Upon successful registration for the competition, each participant will receive a confirmation email from that includes a registration number and submission guidelines.
  • If a participant does not receive the confirmation email within two working days after submission, they should check their spam folder and email to confirm their registration.
  • HKAS reserves the right to change the registration deadline at any time at its discretion.
  • HKAS retains the right to screen all submissions and has absolute discretion in this regard.
  • HKAS may grant additional submission opportunities to specific participants at its discretion.


Each winner will receive cash vouchers for the Art shop at Hong Kong Arts Centre:

  • First Place: HKD 1,000 cash voucher
  • Second Place: HKD 500 cash voucher
  • Third Place: HKD 300 cash voucher

Important Dates:

Announcement Date17 September 2024
Submission Deadline15 October 2024
Judging Period16 October to 15 November 2024
Winner Announcement30 November 2024
Adjustments and Production of Logos and Slogans1-15 December 2024
Activation of Logos and SlogansJanuary to December 2025


Terms and Conditions:

These terms and conditions apply to the “25th Anniversary Logo Design Competition” organised by the Hong Kong Art School (“HKAS”). By submitting an entry (“the Work”), participants (individuals or groups, referred to as “Participants”) agree to the following terms and conditions. HKAS reserves the right to disqualify any participant found to be in violation of any terms.

  1. Eligibility:
  • The competition is open only to current students and alumni of the HKAS’s award-bearing programmes.
  • Employees of HKAS and their immediate family members are not eligible to participate.

2. Submission Requirements:

  • Participants may submit only one entry, regardless of whether they enter as individuals or groups.
  • Groups must designate one representative to exercise rights and obligations related to the competition. All notifications and prizes will be delivered to this representative.
  • Once submitted, entries cannot be altered or modified and will not be returned.
  • Participants are responsible for ensuring the security and virus-free status of their submission. Entries found to contain viruses will be disqualified.

3. Intellectual Property:

  • Works must be original and not infringe on the rights of any other party (including intellectual property, privacy, or confidentiality rights). They must not have been displayed, promoted, or aired on any media platform or involved in any commercial activities or other competitions.
  • Elements used in the work must be licensed and legally used; they must not contain or incorporate any content, materials, or elements owned by third parties. Participants are responsible for complying with related intellectual property laws.
  • Works must not contain any obscene, violent, pornographic, defamatory, indecent, or inappropriate content.
  • HKAS has the right to display the contents, titles, descriptions, and participant information of the works in any form of media for exhibition, publication, promotion, or any commercial or non-commercial activities.
  • Exclusive, irrevocable, non-transferable, global usage rights for the winning works (1st, 2nd, and 3rd places) belong to the Hong Kong Arts Centre, HKAS, and partners, allowing them to use, reproduce, publish, and modify parts or all of the winning works without compensation, an unlimited number of times, and for any duration.
  • Participants bear all legal responsibilities concerning intellectual property rights. Any violation of copyright and other intellectual property laws will result in the individual bearing all related legal liabilities. Moreover, HKAS will not be held responsible for any losses, damages, or legal actions resulting from any such violations.

4. Judging and Results:

  • The results determined by the judging panel are final. In case of any disputes, HKAS’s decision is conclusive.
  • Selected works and participants’ names and profiles may be publicly displayed on the HKAS website or social media platforms.
  • Winners will receive an email notification immediately after the results are announced. If a winner does not respond within one week of the notification, their prize will be forfeited and may be awarded to another suitable participant.

5. Prizes and Awards:

  • All winners (1st, 2nd, and 3rd places) must provide a student ID or other valid identification for verification.
  • First place receives a HKD 1,000 cash voucher for the Art shop, second place receives a HKD 500 cash voucher, and third place receives a HKD 300 cash voucher.
  • HKAS has absolute discretion over the total number of prizes and awards given and may make appropriate changes to the prizes.
  • Prizes are non-transferable.

6. Personal Data:

  • Personal data collected through the registration form will only be used by HKAS for administrative purposes related to the competition.
  • Participants who agree to receive updates from the HKAC and HKAS will have their personal data (name, phone number, and email) retained in the databases of the Hong Kong Arts Centre and HKAS for this purpose.
  • Participants guarantee that all personal data provided is accurate and true.
  • Participants confirm their consent for the HKAC and HKAS to use their personal data for competition purposes, in accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance.
  • The HKAC and HKAS may disclose participants’ personal data as required by law or court order, or as needed to protect their rights and property.
  • The HKAC and HKAS may disclose collected personal data to third parties and external service providers engaged to assist in the development, organisation, and management of the competition.
  • Only winners will receive email notifications. Winners may be required to provide personal details (e.g., name, email, date of birth, last four digits of ID number) for verification to claim their prizes.

7. General Terms and Conditions:

  • By submitting a work, each participant agrees to abide by these terms and conditions.
  • By entering the competition, all participants agree to participate in any promotional, advertising, or media reporting requested by HKAS without compensation. HKAS reserves the right to record, photograph, and/or document the competition and may publish images and details of participants for any purpose without payment or compensation.
  • HKAS reserves the right to suspend, withdraw, or cancel the competition at any time and for any reason, and to modify the guidelines without prior notice to participants. All decisions regarding the competition are final, and no objections will be considered.

8. Application and Enquiries:

  • Please complete and submit the Google form on HKAS’s website by 15 October 2024.

For any enquiries, feel free to contact us at:

  • Email:
  • Phone: 2824 5369





  • 參賽者必須通過香港藝術學院網站上的專用Google表單提交他們的標語作品。
  • 表單將要求參賽者提供姓名、聯繫方式(電子郵件、電話)及參賽者身份(香港藝術學院正在修讀頒授學歷課程的學員、修畢學院頒授學歷課程的畢業生)。
  • 參賽者必須輸入原創標語文本, 需使用中英雙語 ,中英字數各在30字以內。
  • 提交期為2024年9月17日至2024年10月15日。






  • 創意和原創性
  • 與香港藝術學院的相關性
  • 啟發價值
  • 訊息呈現和適當性
  • 言語使用(結構、措辭、修辭、押韻)


  • 作品收集期為2024年9月17日至2024年10月15日。
  • 參賽者可通過香港藝術學院網站上的專用Google表單提交他們的標語創作。
  • 表單將要求參賽者提供姓名、聯繫方式(電子郵件、電話)、參賽者身份(包括香港藝術學院正在修讀頒授學歷課程的學員、修畢學院頒授學歷課程的畢業生)。
  • 在成功報名25周年標語創作比賽後,每位參賽者將收到一封由系統自動發出的報名確認電郵(下稱「報名確認電郵」),内容包括報名編號及提交參賽作品的規則。
  • 若參賽者在提交報名表後的兩個工作天內未收到報名確認電郵,應先檢查垃圾郵件資料夾,然後發送電郵至確認報名。
  • 學院保留隨時更改報名期限的日期和時間的獨有酌情權。
  • 學院保留篩選所有參賽作品的權利和絕對酌情權。
  • 學院或會按其獨有酌情權,為特定參賽者提供額外提交作品的機會。


  • 每位得獎者將獲得香港藝術中心商店的現金優惠券:
    • 第一名:HK$1,000現金優惠券
    • 第二名:HK$500現金優惠券
    • 第三名:HK$300現金優惠券






以下條款及細則適用於如香港藝術學院(「下稱「學院」)主辦的「25周年標語創作比賽」(下稱「比賽」),參賽者(包括個人或小組,下稱「參賽者」)一經提交參賽作品(下稱「作品」), 即代表同意下列條款及細則。如有理由相信參賽者違反任何條款及細則,將有權取消其參賽/得獎資格:

1. 參賽資格:

  • 比賽只限比賽只限學院正在修讀頒授學歷課程的學員、修畢學院頒授學歷課程的畢業生參加。
  • 學院的僱員及其直系親屬不得參加。

2. 作品提交要求:

  • 不論參賽者以個人或小組名義參加,只限提交一份作品,不能重複提交。
  • 參賽者以小組方式報名者,須指定一位「代表」行使比賽相關之權利義務。學院所發之通知及獎項,均由此「代表」送達或代收。
  • 作品一經遞交,不能再作調換及修改,亦不會退還予參賽者。
  • 參賽者須對作品提交文件的安全性和病毒問題負責。如發現病毒,作品將被取消資格。

3. 知識產權:

  • 作品必須為參賽者原創,不得侵犯任何其他方的權利(包括知識產權、隱私權或保密權),從未在任何媒體平台上展示、宣傳或播放,也不得參與任何商業活動或其他比賽。
  • 作品不得包含任何猥瑣、暴力、色情、誹謗、不雅或不適當的內容。
  • 學院有權以任何形式媒體展示作品的內容、標題、簡介和參賽者訊息,用於展示、出版、展覽、宣傳或任何商業或非商業活動。
  • 獲獎作品(第一名、第二名及第三名)的全權版權屬於香港藝術中心、學院和合作夥伴獨家、不可撤回、不可轉讓、覆蓋全球的許可使用權,並有權以任何形式,不限次數、地域及時間,無償地使用、複製、刊載、發放獲獎作品的全部或部份內容,及修改作品。
  • 參賽者須自行承擔相關的知識產權法律責任。如有任何違反版權和其他知識產權法例的行為,該人士將承擔所有有關法律責任及其相關責任。此外,學院對於任何違反版權和其他知識產權法例的行為引致的任何損失或損毀,或因此等行為所引致的法律訴訟,一概不負上任何責任。

4. 評判和結果:

  • 評審團的比賽結果決定為最終決定。如有爭議,學院的決定為最終決定。
  • 入選作品及參賽者姓名和簡介可能會在比賽網站或社交媒體平台上公開展示。
  • 得獎者將在結果公佈後即時收到電郵通知。若得獎者在獲得通知後的一星期內未有回覆,其獎項將被取消,可能會被授予其他合適的參賽者。

5. 獎項及獎品:

  • 所有得獎者(第一名、第二名及第三名)需提供學生證或其他有效證件以進行核實。
  • 第一、二、三名可分別獲得1,000港元、500港元、300港元的香港藝術中心商店現金優惠券。
  • 學院對比賽所頒發的獎項及獎品總數擁有絕對酌情權,學院亦可對獎品作出適當改動。
  • 獲獎資格不可轉讓。

6. 個人資料

  • 報名表格所收集的個人資料,只供學院作為比賽的行政用途。
  • 參賽者若同意接收香港藝術中心及學院的最新資訊,其個人資料(姓名、電話號碼及電郵)將被保留至香港藝術中心及學院的資料庫以作接收最新資訊之用途。
  • 參賽者向學院保證及陳述所有提供的個人資料皆是準確無訛。
  • 參賽者確認他/她同意讓香港藝術中心及學院為比賽使用其個人資料,該等使用當遵從個人資料(私隱)條例。
  • 香港藝術中心及學院可能就法律或法庭命令所需,或應政府或執法機關要求披露參賽者遞交的個人資料,又或真誠地認為該等披露是必要或合宜以保護香港藝術中心及學院的權利和財產。
  • 香港藝術中心及學院可能為比賽向第三方及向被香港藝術中心及學院聘請以協助發展、組織及管理比賽的外部服務供應商或網站開發商或其他各方披露所收集的個人資料。
  • 只有得獎者(下稱「得獎者」)會收到獲獎電子郵件通知。得獎者可能需要提供其個人詳細資訊(例如姓名、電郵、出生日期、身份證明號碼最後四位數字)進行身份驗證,以便領取獎品。

7. 一般條款及細則:

  • 通過提交作品,每位參賽者均同意遵守條款及細則。
  • 一經參加比賽,所有參賽者即同意和被視為同意可以按學院要求,參與任何宣傳、廣告或媒體報導,無需報酬。學院保留錄製、拍攝及/或記錄比賽的權利,並可發佈用於任何目的的參賽者圖像和詳細資訊,無需向參賽者支付任何費用或補償。
  • 學院保留在任何時間、基於任何原因而暫停、撤回或取消比賽以及修改指南的權利,無需提前通知參賽者。學院對比賽一切事宜的決定均為最終決定,所有異議將不獲受理。

8. 申請和查詢:

  • 請於2024年10月15日或之前在學院網站上填寫並提交Google表格。




25th Anniversary Slogan Design Competition


Current students and alumni of the HKAS’s award-bearing programmes may participate (individuals or groups, with a limit of one submission per person/group).

Submission Requirements:

  • Participants must submit their slogan entries through Google form on the HKAS website.
  • The form will require participants to provide their name, contact information (email, phone), and school status (current students or alumni of the HKAS).
  • Participants must input an original slogan text with bilingual text, with each language limited to 30 words.
  • Submission period: 17 September 2024 to 15 October 2024.

Judging Panel:

Mrs. Janice Choi, BBS, MH, JP, Chevalier de l’ordre des Arts et des LettresChairman, HKAS Council
Ms. Rebecca IpExecutive Director, HKAC
TBCRepresentative of HKAS
Ms. Carmen ChangMarketing Director, HKAC
Ms. Ng Toi Yee DorisANC Representative


Judging Criteria:

  • Creativity and originality
  • Relevance to the Hong Kong Art School
  • Inspirational value
  • Clarity of communication and appropriateness
  • Language use (structure, wording, rhetoric, rhyme)

Submission Method:

  • Submission period: 17 September 2024 to 15 October 2024.
  • Participants may submit their slogan creations via Google form on the HKAS’s website.
  • The form will require participants to provide their name, contact information (email, phone), and school status (including current students and alumni).
  • Upon successful registration for the 25th Anniversary Slogan Creation Competition, each participant will receive a confirmation email from that includes a registration number and submission guidelines.
  • If participants do not receive the confirmation email within two working days after submission, they should check their spam folder and email to confirm their registration.
  • HKAS reserves the right to change the registration deadline at any time at its discretion.
  • HKAS retains the right to screen all submissions and has absolute discretion in this regard.
  • HKAS may grant additional submission opportunities to specific participants at its discretion.


Each winner will receive cash vouchers for the Art shop:

  • First Place: HKD 1,000 cash voucher
  • Second Place: HKD 500 cash voucher
  • Third Place: HKD 300 cash voucher

Important Dates:

Announcement Date17 September 2024
Submission Deadline15 October 2024
Judging Period16 October to 15 November 2024
Winner Announcement30 November 2024
Adjustments and Production of Logos and Slogans1-15 December 2024
Activation of Logos and SlogansJanuary to December 2025


Terms and Conditions:

These terms and conditions apply to the “25th Anniversary Slogan Creation Competition” organised by the Hong Kong Art School (“HKAS”). By submitting an entry (“the Work”), participants (individuals or groups, referred to as “Participants”) agree to the following terms and conditions. Hong Kong Art School reserves the right to disqualify any participant found to be in violation of any terms.

 1. Eligibility:

  • The competition is open only to current students and alumni of the HKAS’s award-bearing programmes.
  • Employees of HKAS and their immediate family members are not eligible to participate.

2. Submission Requirements:

  • Participants may submit only one entry, regardless of whether they enter as individuals or groups.
  • Groups must designate one representative to exercise rights and obligations related to the competition. All notifications and prizes will be delivered to this representative.
  • Once submitted, entries cannot be altered or modified and will not be returned.
  • Participants are responsible for ensuring the security and virus-free status of their submission. Entries found to contain viruses will be disqualified.

3. Intellectual Property:

  • Works must be original and not infringe on any other party’s rights (including intellectual property, privacy, or confidentiality rights). They must not have been displayed, promoted, or aired on any media platform nor involved in any commercial activities or other competitions.
  • Works must not contain any obscene, violent, pornographic, defamatory, indecent, or inappropriate content.
  • HKAS has the right to display the contents, titles, descriptions, and participant information of the works in any form of media for exhibition, publication, promotion, or any commercial or non-commercial activities.
  • Full copyright of the winning works (1st, 2nd, and 3rd places) belongs exclusively to the Hong Kong Arts Centre, HKAS, and partners, granting them irrevocable, non-transferable, global usage rights. They have the right to use, reproduce, publish, and modify parts or all of the winning works without compensation, an unlimited number of times, and for any duration.
  • Participants bear all legal responsibilities concerning intellectual property rights. Any violations of copyright and related laws will result in the individual bearing all associated legal liabilities. HKAS will not be responsible for any losses, damages, or legal actions arising from such violations.

4. Judging and Results:

  • The results determined by the judging panel are final. In case of any disputes, HKAS’s decision is conclusive.
  • Selected works and participant names and profiles may be publicly displayed on the competition website or social media platforms.
  • Winners will receive email notifications immediately after the results are announced. If a winner does not respond within one week of the notification, their prize will be forfeited and may be awarded to another suitable participant.

5. Prizes and Awards:

  • All winners (1st, 2nd, and 3rd places) must provide a student ID or other valid identification for verification.
  • First place receives a HKD 1,000 cash voucher for the Art shop, second place receives a HKD 500 cash voucher, and third place receives a HKD 300 cash voucher.
  • Hong Kong Art School has absolute discretion over the total number of prizes and may make appropriate changes to the prizes.
  • Prizes are non-transferable.

6. Personal Data:

  • Personal data collected through the registration form will only be used by HKAS for administrative purposes related to the competition.
  • Participants who agree to receive updates from the HKAC and HKAS will have their personal data (name, phone number, and email) retained in the databases of the HKAC and HKAS for this purpose.
  • Participants guarantee that all personal data provided is accurate and true.
  • Participants confirm their consent for HKAC and HKAS to use their personal data for competition purposes, in accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance.
  • HKAC and HKAS may disclose participants’ personal data as required by law or court order, or as necessary to protect their rights and property.
  • HKAC and HKAS may disclose collected personal data to third parties and external service providers engaged to assist in the development, organisation, and management of the competition.
  • Only winners will receive email notifications. Winners may be required to provide personal details (e.g., name, email, date of birth, last four digits of ID number) for verification to claim their prizes.

7. General Terms and Conditions:

  • By submitting a work, each participant agrees to abide by these terms and conditions.
  • By entering the competition, all participants agree to participate in any promotional, advertising, or media reporting requested by HKAS without compensation. HKAS reserves the right to record, photograph, and/or document the competition and may publish images and details of participants for any purpose without payment or compensation.
  • HKAS reserves the right to suspend, withdraw, or cancel the competition at any time and for any reason, and to modify the guidelines without prior notice to participants. All decisions regarding the competition are final, and no objections will be considered.

8. Application and Enquiries:

  • Please fill out and submit the Google form on the HKAS’s website by 15 October 2024.

For any enquiries, feel free to contact us at:

  • Email:
  • Phone: 2824 5369