Olivia Siu is a Higher Diploma in Fina Art graduate of the Hong Kong Art School. Before retirement, she was a civil servant who spent her time taking care of plants and trees. Having already pursued photography for 10 years prior to studying at the HKAS, she felt like she had hit a wall in this endeavour. While searching for further development, she stumbled upon the HKAS photography course and decided to enrol.

A passionate learner, Olivia describes photography as never lacking in things to learn. Photography fulfils her thirst for knowledge as she continues on her never-ending journey of personal growth.

Olivia observed how different the HKAS classes were from general hobby classes. The hobby sessions taught simple techniques and used theme-based learning, which is very helpful for a beginner. Yet, they often struggle to teach skills and concepts in depth. At the HKAS, she learned about the detailed history of photography as well as various concepts and techniques, such as pinhole, strip photography and cyanotype. Olivia gained more in her two years of studying at the HKAS than in the 10 years before that.

IOlivia entered a photography competition in 2020, and her work was published by the UK newspaper, The Guardian. Not only did the competition give her a platform on which to share her vision with the world, she was also able to broaden her horizons as she admired other photographers’ work from around the globe.

Although she has completed her diploma, ever-inquisitive Olivia is continuing her quest for achievement and studying the HKAS Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art) programme.

The Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art) and Higher Diploma of Art programmes are now open for enrollment. Please visit the school’s website to learn more.